Energy-Infused Art Celebrating Your Inner Light and Your Journey To Self-Love & Divine connection

  • Bonnie Renner

    " I feel like you painted these for me, Hemali. I just told my husband and I am crying over tears of joy over this gift from the universe. They will be a great way to mark this milestone in my spiritual journey. I am blossoming and breathing into a new life. "

  • Joe Skalski

    " Thanks for gracing our office with your art. It's appreciated everyday. Through your art, you extend into our daily lives, making things better and more beautiful. "

  • Shreyas Hebbal

    " I recently bought one of Hemali’s paintings called “Petal”. It’s probably one of the most gorgeous pieces I’ve seen including the delicate strokes and vibrant colors. "

  • Katerina Marie Edwards

    " I just hung up my original painting from Hemali and I framed too, and it brings me so so so much joy whenever I see it! I am so delighted by her use of color and movement, the colors are literally dancing across the canvas. "

Bringing Joy, Magic & Light to Your World --The Story Behind My Artwork

I've experienced my inner world, where divine love, freedom, self-love and deep peace exists. When we let ourselves linger here, life becomes magical.

I create art to express the deep adoration and appreciation I have for this beautiful life, and the profound love I am blessed to access within myself.

Welcome to my world - where every piece invites you to deepen your self-love, feel alive & free, and celebrate the magic inside of you.

More About Hemali